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Mai Tai Madness

Well July has been a rather busy one at work.  I know, loyal reader (yah, there probably is only one of you) is shocked to find that M is actually feigning employment.  The downside of this preoccupation with food and shelter is that it has taken a toll on the… Read More »Mai Tai Madness

The Blue Moon Cocktail

I ran across this cocktail back in the September, 2009 issue of Imbibe and decided I really should give it a try.  When you have a bottle of crème yvette or a bottle of crème de violette, you don’t pass up opportunities.  Astute cocktail drinkers will quickly recognize the similarity… Read More »The Blue Moon Cocktail

A margarita by any other name

As anyone who’s made my acquaintance will know, I love tequila.  Not that mixto crap that frat boys pour down coeds throats, but the good stuff. The 100% agave azul stuff. Sipped neat, without the lime, without salt.  I love it all, from the young blanco’s with their intense agave… Read More »A margarita by any other name

Derby Day

As yesterday was the 140th running of the Kentucky Derby, it seemed an auspicious time to revive the blog after an eleven moth hiatus, and what else could one comment on that the venerable Mint Julep.   Doubtless you are thinking that quite enough on this subject has already been written.  … Read More »Derby Day

El Presidente

El Presidente

B & I decided to give this cocktail a second look.  We had originally tried the El Presidente a number of years ago based on David Wondrich’s recipe in his book Esquire Drinks.  It was decidedly awful–seriously discordant flavors.   We were set to shrug and move on when Wondrich revisited… Read More »El Presidente


B forwarded me a post from Michael Rhuhulman’s blog about a Berkshire Martinez from last April, which was his take on the classic Martinez cocktail.  Apparently this post was inspired by a robust (such as 140 characters will allow) Twitter discussion of his previous post on The Perfect Martini started… Read More »Aperoni


It’s yet again been a little while since the last blog post.  In this case, there is a better reason than usual; B & I bought a house and moved.  After a frenetic few weeks, we are again feeling settled and so the urge to drink and write about it… Read More »Boulevardier


Owing to a concatenation of circumstances, I now realize that I haven’t had a new post in far too long.  Those same circumstances are now compelling me to make the first post ever without a post–ironic in light of the fact that I have several drinks photographed but not written… Read More »Sangria


B was looking through Robert Hess’s The Essential Bartender’s Guide the other night for something new when she ran across a rather oddly named cocktail, the Diabolo. No, not Diablo, Diabolo.  Apparently it’s named after the Yo-yo shaped juggling device.    I did a little digging around and kept running into… Read More »Diabolo