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Mexican Sweet Limes

Thought I would go with a quick post here. B and I bought a couple of “Mexican Sweet Limes” at the Sacramento Farmers’ Market on Sunday.  They look like a round lemon.  We decided to give them a whirl tonight with a Daiquiri. I even decided to break out a… Read More »Mexican Sweet Limes


One of the problems with the history of cocktails, is that the people most qualified to write it would rather be drinking.  Those that are writing, tend to be prone to indulging in a bit of self aggrandizement.   Case in point, one Harry Johnson.  According to cocktail historian David Wondrich… Read More »Bijou

Lucien Gaudin Cocktail

Lucien Gaudin Cocktail

B & I were just settling in to enjoy a cocktail in front of the newly erected Christmas tree discuss hors d’oeuvres for our impending Christmas party. I was in the mood for something new with Rye and turned to the good Doctor’s Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails.  In doing… Read More »Lucien Gaudin Cocktail


After a hiatus much to long, we’re back to wish everyone a happy Halloween.  B and I will likely be celebrating with The Corpse Reviver #2. Since we already had whack at that one, I’ve decided to mention another one that has quickly ingratiated itself to us.   We found the… Read More »Deshler

Kir Royale

Kir Royale

Tonight is one of those great summer evenings. There’s a cool breeze blowing in off the Sacramento River delta. The blackberries in the sorbet are at their sweetest. The perfect cocktail to round out this evening, a Kir Royale.  The first time I ran across this drink was a tweet… Read More »Kir Royale

Morning Glory

Just a quick blog post about one of our newer cocktail discoveries. This cocktail has three things I love. It’s old,  being mentioned in Jerry Thomas’s 1887 Bartenders Guide.  It also has both rye and absinthe, two of my favorite ingredients.  It’s also a really great cocktail… Morning Glory 1… Read More »Morning Glory

Tantris Sidecar

I think we stumbled on a really good one this time.  B and I were trying to decide what we wanted for our cocktail on Sunday when the discussion drifted to a daiquiri made with rhum agricola that was mentioned in Imbibe magazines interview with Rachel Maddow a while back.… Read More »Tantris Sidecar


B and I decided to try a new one this weekend.   Imbibe Magazine tweeted about an old cocktail named Tipperary in honor of St. Patrick’s day.  We are a little late on that one as it’s now Easter, but since B loves Irish whiskey, this seemed the one to try. … Read More »Tipperary