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The Fitzgerald Cocktail

The Fitzgerald Cocktail

Admittedly, 2019 was not a prolific year for Molecular Drinking. To help get 2020 off to a more auspicious start, our Meyer lemon tree decided to be absurdly prolific in 2019. So, with an abundance of lemons in hand, we had to find a drink. A little digging turned up… Read More »The Fitzgerald Cocktail

Ideal Cocktail

Ideal Cocktail

I was perusing the newly revised edition of the Waldorf Astoria Bar Book that my in laws gave me this past Christmas, when I ran across a tipple that looked rather promising. I, to again reiterate, am not a martini fan, so when I found a gin and vermouth-based cocktail… Read More »Ideal Cocktail

The Journalist Cocktail

The Journalist Cocktail

As most people know, B & I are unapologetic in our assertion that the modern martini is undrinkable.  First off, it’s usually not a martini; it’s strained gin with an olive.  Secondly, I just can’t get my head around gin and dry vermouth (at say 4 or 5:1).  The martini’s… Read More »The Journalist Cocktail

French Pearl

French Pearl

I was flipping through Twitter yesterday when I noticed an interesting tweet about a cocktail called a French Pearl from the self-described “dowager bartender and industry Den mother”, Audrey Saunders.  She also happens to be a pillar of the cocktail world and proprietor of the New York’s legendary Pegu Club. … Read More »French Pearl

The Running of the Gins

The Running of the Gins

Recently B connected two saliently fortuitous details. 1) Our cocktail bookshelf has at least two volumes dedicated to gin, and 2) we have a copious examples of gins in our cabinet. Seemed  like a prime opportunity for a couple of academics to make a scholarly study of the subject. And… Read More »The Running of the Gins

Leap Year Cocktail

Certain cocktails just seem timely, if perhaps obvious.  The Leap Year Cocktail seems to fit that description.  It’s an odd sort of cocktail for, well, an odd sort of year.  Brenda actually ran across on thumbing through Robert Hess’s The Essential Bartender’s Guide and then found that he made it… Read More »Leap Year Cocktail

The Edgewood

In looking over our list of possible cocktails, I ran across one we had been considering for quite a while.  Today’s entry is actually the modern creation of  bartender Greg Best, then of Holeman & Finch in Atlanta and appeared in Imbibe Magazine in 2009.  We actually tried (and photographed)… Read More »The Edgewood

Patricia Anne

Today’s post concludes a tetralogy base on the Imbibe Magazine article “Simple 4 Ingredient Cocktails“.  But before we have a go at the cocktail, astute reader may notice that the blog has a new name and a new look.  B and I decided to start hosting our blogs (and thereby… Read More »Patricia Anne

Satan’s Whiskers

With the start of the new year, it’s time to resume blogging.  Last year was not an epic year for the blog, though we had some good moments.  To kick the new year off, I decided (B actually told me) to change the theme.  We’ll see if this one has… Read More »Satan’s Whiskers

Pegu Club

The last post on the blog, Intro to Aperol, by Audrey Saunders at Pegu Club, got me thinking about the name sake of that establishment:  the orginal Pegu Club, in Burma. The 1930 edition of Harry Craddock’s The Savoy Cocktail Book (I have the reprint edition) describes it as “The… Read More »Pegu Club