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The Millionaire #4

The Millionaire #4

As the title intimates, this isn’t a simple story.  B found the version of which we partook tonight in Ted Haigh‘s Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails. He reprises his from a 1937 version.  This, of course, sent me down the rabbit hole of unanswerable questions (25 years in science.  That… Read More »The Millionaire #4



We are now officially mired in the swelter of summer, leaving us languishing for the ocean breezes of the South Pacific.  Obviously, something Tiki was in order, which is ironic, since if you want islands with a long tradition of rum drinks, you’re in the wrong ocean.  Be that as… Read More »Voyager

Dasiy de Santiago

With this post, we bid a fond farewell to Summer.  It’s started raining and the limes are getting big enough to use, so we thought one final salute to that greatest of all seasons was in order. Having limes ready for picking, we went in search for a suitable cocktail… Read More »Dasiy de Santiago


Labor Day has decide to turn up the heat here and I decided something need to be done (and hopefully in a way that would result in a post).  I to thinking about who does heat and holidays better than anyway and I immediately thought of Brazil, which in turn… Read More »Caipirinha

Brains… Must have brains…

Even here in this happy oasis of a cocktail blog, one cannot completely escape the inexorable march of time. So, hopefully one of these will ease your forgiving this belated homage to All Hallows’ Eve.  We decided what better way to celebrate Día de Muertos than by appeasing some of… Read More »Brains… Must have brains…

Mai Tai Madness

Well July has been a rather busy one at work.  I know, loyal reader (yah, there probably is only one of you) is shocked to find that M is actually feigning employment.  The downside of this preoccupation with food and shelter is that it has taken a toll on the… Read More »Mai Tai Madness

El Presidente

El Presidente

B & I decided to give this cocktail a second look.  We had originally tried the El Presidente a number of years ago based on David Wondrich’s recipe in his book Esquire Drinks.  It was decidedly awful–seriously discordant flavors.   We were set to shrug and move on when Wondrich revisited… Read More »El Presidente


B was looking through Robert Hess’s The Essential Bartender’s Guide the other night for something new when she ran across a rather oddly named cocktail, the Diabolo. No, not Diablo, Diabolo.  Apparently it’s named after the Yo-yo shaped juggling device.    I did a little digging around and kept running into… Read More »Diabolo

You’ll shoot your eye out, kid

As promised, this is going to be my second (and final for a while) post of festive, holiday cocktails.  Last time we did Dale Degroff’s Royal Gingersnap.  This time we are going to do one from the December, 2011 issue of Imbibe Magazine called “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out”.  This… Read More »You’ll shoot your eye out, kid