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Cocktails that are based in whiskey (rye and bourbon predominantly).

Teresa’s Desert Island Bourbon

Teresa’s Desert Island Bourbon

The question put before us by my brother was quite simple for me (and my brother) to answer. If you are reading this blog, you are likely accustomed to long winded tales about the good booze, so settle in. While the challenge was to discuss a “desert island bourbon”, I… Read More »Teresa’s Desert Island Bourbon

Desert Island Bourbon

Desert Island Bourbon

I was sitting in my chair having my usual nightcap and contemplating how the news feed on my phone seems to be alarmingly full of opinion pieces about bourbon earnestly provided by a whole range of sources from the venerable to the seriously dubious. Most are along the theme of… Read More »Desert Island Bourbon

Mon Nouvel Ami

Mon Nouvel Ami

This is another in our new series of cocktails from David Lebovitz‘s Drinking French…. This one is actually David’s riff on a classic cocktail invented by famed Parisian bartender Harry MacElhone of Harry’s New York Bar, appearing in his 1922 edition of Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. MacElhone’s orignal Old… Read More »Mon Nouvel Ami

Orange Season

Orange Season

It’s currently orange season here in California, and our orange tree has been fruitful.  This poses a bit of a challenge as orange juice is not an easy juice to make cocktails with. It tends to be too sweet and doesn’t have a flavor that pairs well with other strong… Read More »Orange Season

An autumnal tipple and a bonus…

An autumnal tipple and a bonus…

B was in the mood for something “autumnal” when she ran across this little concoction on the Imbibe website. They found the Sinsear, the brainchild of Yvette Leeper-Bueno, owner of Vinatería in Harlem, in the Cherry Bombe: The Cookbook.  Curiously, no mention was made of the name; sinsear is Irish… Read More »An autumnal tipple and a bonus…

The Derby Cocktail

B was thumbing through Ted Haigh‘s Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails, when she ran across what she thought might be a tasty tipple in The Derby.  A quick perusal of the ingredients reveals that it’s awfully similar to one of our all time favorite cocktails, the Oriental Cocktail.  Basically put half… Read More »The Derby Cocktail

Blackthorn (Irish Variation)

Astute readers will recall the we previously covered another version of the Blackthorn Cocktail, but which was gin based.  In fact probably the original namesake was called the Blackthorn  after the plum-bearing shrub  that produces the sloe berry (from which we get sloe gin). Philip Greene‘s book The Manhattan …… Read More »Blackthorn (Irish Variation)

The Mother-in-Law Cocktail

The Mother-in-Law Cocktail

Today’s post is an homage to that most unjustly maligned group, mother-in-laws.   As exemplified by today’s post, they are, by and large, a fine and noble set.   I found today’s cocktail while perusing Chuck Taggart‘s (credit given, lest I be ” étoufféed and served to Dr. Lecter,… Read More »The Mother-in-Law Cocktail

The Liberal

Devotees of the blog will doubtless know the esteem in which I hold the Manhattan, which is why we rather assiduously avoid frivolous knockoffs.  Devotees, however, will also know my predilection for quirky and esoteric booze, hence the conflict.  B & I wound up with a bottle of Torani Amer,… Read More »The Liberal

Champagne Whiskey Punch

Summer is the season for festive and refreshing (if slightly frivolous) imbibing with great friends.  I originally made this frivolously festive tipple a couple years back for the adherents of the Bacchic Villa after finding the recipe in an issue of Imbibe Magazine.  Apparently this marvelous potation is the creation… Read More »Champagne Whiskey Punch