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Kir Royale

Tonight is one of those great summer evenings. There’s a cool breeze blowing in off the Sacramento River delta. The blackberries in the sorbet are at their sweetest. The perfect cocktail to round out this evening, a Kir Royale.  The first time I ran across this drink was a tweet from Imbibe.  A little help from Google and I found a video of Robert Hess (of and Cocktail Spirit fame) making the drink. Apparently it is a popular apartif to have before dinner in Paris.

It’s a simple cocktail to make.  Just pour champagne in a champagne flute.  Add 1/2 oz of creme de cassis (a black current liqueur, though I have seen creme de mure, a black berry liqueur use instead).  The original photo I saw suggested dropping a blackberry in as a garnish, though I noticed Robert Hess used a generous curl of lemon instead.

It’s a nice refreshing, slightly sweet and fruity drink for a summer evening.  The slight hint of the creme de cassis really worked with the blackberry sorbet.  If you want it to be even  sweeter substitute an Italian prosecco for the champagne, though I personally think that this would be too sweet for my taste.



2 thoughts on “Kir Royale”

  1. Pingback: Summer on the Needles « Molecular Knitting

  2. Pingback: Festive and Fizzy « Cocktails with M

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